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Wednesday, July 31, 2013
7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

Never before has there been a time when confidential information is more accessible, and the risk of it being lost or misappropriated cannot be underestimated.

Today's information technology environment abounds with risks to data security. From cloud computing, to social media, to the prolific use of personal mobile devices in the workplace, an organization's confidential data, including intellectual property, has never been at greater risk.

As businesses navigate and operate in the current technological landscape, it is important to understand these risks to mitigate security breaches in order to protect a company's confidential information, trade secrets and other intellectual property.

Please join us for a breakfast briefing discussing the risks to data security, how to identify them, and what to do to prevent the loss of your confidential data. Topics to be discussed include:

  • Vulnerabilities of cloud computing
  • Common mistakes employees can make
  • External threats to data security
  • Risks of data sharing on mobile devices

Trademark attorney Everett Fruehling and patent attorney David Sheldon will present. This presentation is geared towards business owners, managers, and/or legal counsel.

This event will take place at COJK on Wednesday, July 31, 2013, from 7:30 a.m to 9:00 a.m.

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